All natural persons over the age of 18 who live in Switzerland can enter the Zurich Insurance Company Ltd (Zurich) competition, with the exception of employees of any company within the Zurich Insurance Group or employees of a Zurich general agency. Entry is free of charge. The judges' decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into. No cash payouts will be made. Participants explicitly declare their consent to the processing of data they submit for marketing purposes, e.g. for electronic or postal mailings or for contact by telephone.
Participation is via the competition form on The closing date for entries is November 10, 2024, 11.59 p.m. The winners will be chosen in a draw from all participants. The prizes will be sent to the address given in the entry form by November 15, 2024, at the latest. There is no option for a payout, and the prizes may not be sold to third parties in exchange for payment. If the scheduled matches are postponed to another date or canceled, there is no entitlement to new tickets, replacement services or compensation.
Zurich processes the personal data you provide on your registration form in order to handle competition and marketing. We may subsequently collect and process further data for the purpose of sending and delivering wins. We may also use service providers to process the data. In the course of this processing, participants’ data may also be sent to other countries outside the EU and the EEA (known as “third countries”). If you have any questions in connection with data processing by Zurich, you are welcome to use the following contact address: or Zurich Insurance Company Ltd, Data Protection, P.O. Box 8085 Zurich.