
A father and son laughing together.

Compensation Insurance

Do you work but are not part of collective compensation insurance, because you’re either a freelancer or working part-time while you study? Zurich Individual Compensation Insurance protects you against loss of income should you become ill.

More details

Do you receive an irregular income because you are a freelancer working on various projects or a student working occasionally alongside your studies, for example? Zurich Individual Health Insurance protects you so that you do not experience financial difficulties if you become ill. Compensation and hospital benefit insurance offers you the necessary protection.

Insurance benefits

  • Financial security for irregular incomes – e.g. for freelancers, students working part-time and stay-at-home parents
  • Also suitable for doctors who are not insured as a practice employee
  • Zurich already pays out beginning at 25% disability
  • Zurich pays the costs of hospital and health resort stays – as a supplement to your hospital expenses insurance

Good to know

  • Zurich Employment Risk disability insurance offers additional protection that also covers disability
  • This insurance for loss of income following illness or accident pays compensation in the event of disability until retirement age. You can maintain your and your family’s usual standard of living despite any disability

Further products and services

Relax Assistance

Travel Insurance

Whatever happens before and during your trip or when you’re home again, keep safe with Relax Assistance Travel Insurance.