Earthquake Insurance

Man in the garden of his house

Earthquake Insurance

Earthquakes bear the greatest loss potential of all natural disasters. Zurich Earthquake Insurance covers your building, household contents and business inventories, protecting you against the financial consequences of such events.

Good reasons for the Earthquake Insurance

Protected against a widely underestimated risk

Did you know that the average number of earthquakes per year in Switzerland ranges between 500 and 800? The very next quake could turn out to be a big one. Earthquake insurance affords effective protection against quake events, large and small.

Closing the coverage gap at last

Earthquakes are not covered under standard property and buildings insurance policies. The financial protection afforded by cantonal buildings insurance is inadequate for the effects of major quakes. Take steps to eliminate your exposure to this risk.


Comprehensive protection, great service

Has a building suffered wall cracks – or did it collapse entirely? Zurich Earthquake Insurance compensates you for such damage, and even for earthquake-related consequential losses resulting from fires or looting, for example.

Information and frequently asked questions about the Earthquake Insurance


  • Protect your property: Private individuals and small-to-mid-sized businesses can protect their real estate, household contents and business inventories against the financial consequences of earthquakes.
  • Eliminate your exposure to risk: Protect yourself against a risk that is not fully covered - if at all - under most insurance policies.
  • Protect your income and assets: Secure compensation for lost rental and business income if your property should be rendered unusable for a period of time.
  • Consequential losses covered: Earthquake insurance pays compensation for related subsequent losses due to fires, looting and other circumstances. 
  • Round-the-clock assistance: Our emergency hotline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, staffed by claims experts dedicated to providing you rapid assistance.

Further products and services

Contents Insurance

Playing it safe with everything at home

We cannot replace your favorite possessions, but we can provide their replacement value. Our contents insurance protects you against financial loss in the event of damage resulting from lightning, fire, water or theft.

Homme qui travaille

All-around protection for your company

Protect your property and your income against all kinds of loss or damage. Put together a customized insurance package for your company.

View to the balcony

Protection for your home

Water damage, burglary, fire – building insurance helps protect you against financial risks.