Financial or retirement planning

Man and woman

Plan today, enjoy tomorrow

Set a course for your personal future now. We support you in this process – with comprehensive financial or pension planning. You define your personal goals – we analyze your situation and then work out a solution strategy for fulfilling your wishes.

Our products

Person with stars

Comprehensive financial planning

Our specialists will create an analysis of your personal situation and show you what you need to do to achieve your savings goals.

Comprehensive retirement planning

Find out how much money you can expect after retirement – and how much early or partial retirement would cost.

Everything from a single source

At Zurich, we can offer you everything from a single source – from pure risk coverage and retirement products with risk protection to attractive investment solutions from Zurich Invest Ltd.

Information and frequently asked questions about financial or retirement planning

Insurance benefits

  • You will discover previously unknown financial opportunities
  • You will find out what measures are necessary to achieve your goals and fulfill your desires
  • You will have the security of being able to make the right decisions in a relaxed manner
  • Your planning will be future-oriented and you will receive active assistance and support from us

Annuity or capital?

During the retirement planning process, we will show you the advantages and disadvantages of both options and develop an optimal solution for you.


Lump sum

 Benefits:  Benefits:
  • No responsibility for investments
  • A lifelong guaranteed income
  • A lifelong widow's pension
  • Partial cost-of-living adjustments depending on the pension fund


  • Privileged, single tax payment on the lump sum at the time of disburse¬ment
  • Depending on investment of assets, taxation may be lower than in the case of an annuity
  • Better protection possible for a com¬mon-law partner
  • Possibility of drawing an advance against an inheritance
  • Remaining capital goes to the heirs



  •  Full annuity taxable as income
  • 40% loss of pension for the widow
  • For the heirs the capital in the pension fund is lost in the event of death (100% loss of pension).
  • No further withdrawal of capital possible
  • Uncertain return on assets
  • Responsibility for own investments
  • Life expectancy and financial needs are not predictable
  • A lump sum withdrawal is a better option for the wealthy

The right time for retirement

During the retirement planning process, we will also clarify the following issues with you, if desired:

  • From what age is early retirement possible in Switzerland?  
  • How do I proceed if I want to retire earlier?
  • What will early retirement cost me?
  • How can I bridge the gap in my income until my regular retirement
  • Is partial retirement a possible alternative for me?

What is financial or retirement planning?

A financial or retirement plan is in actual fact a life plan. Up to the age of 58, we speak of financial planning – the focus is here on asset accumulation. From the age of 58, the focus is on planning for the third stage of life and we speak of retirement planning.

On the basis of your needs and goals as a customer, our specialists will develop a suitable concept for you – in other words, a plan – to gradually optimize your asset situation. Financial and retirement planning provides clarity and a foundation, so you can relax and make the right financial decisions.

For whom does financial or retirement planning make sense?

Financial planning benefits those who want to achieve their goals, organize their assets and save in a targeted manner in order to prepare for the third phase of their lives. The age group is relatively open here and can range from around 40 to 70. A retirement plan is more clearly delineated: It is aimed at people between 55 and 66 who would like to set a specific course for their retirement – by optimizing asset accumulation, choosing their retirement date in a targeted manner and developing a sensible strategy for drawing on these assets during retirement.

What documents are needed for a financial consultation?

The most important documents include your OASI certificate and an OASI account statement, a current pension fund certificate and your pension fund's pension regulations, 3a accounts and 3a life insurance policies, 3b life insurance policies, statements of your vested benefits, a completed budget form, a current tax return, an overview of your securities, information on the market value of your real estate and building land, marriage and inheritance contracts, will, mortgage contracts and insurance policies.

What questions can financial or retirement planning answer for me?

Financial or retirement planning provides answers to the following questions, among others:

  • Should I draw my pension funds as a annuity or lump sum distribution? 
  • How much income will I have after retirement? How much will my expenses be? 
  • Can I afford early retirement?
  • What tax advantages would partial retirement have for me?
  • How can we save on taxes before and after retirement?
  • Does my partner have adequate insurance?
  • Will my home still be financially viable in old age?
  • How long will the assets last after retirement? What are my investment options?

Further products and services


Zurich Investment Advisory

We show you how to invest your money to reach your desired goal.

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