Unit-linked Life Insurance 3a/3b

Unit-linked Life Insurance

With Zurich's CapitalFund unit-linked life insurance, you can build up assets for retirement. What's more, you can also insure yourself against the risks of disability or death.

Do you want to accumulate wealth and save taxes?

  • Benefit from attractive potential returns and work continuously towards your savings goals.
  • Protect yourself and your loved ones with death and disability insurance.
  • Set up your unit-linked life insurance flexibly.
  • Climate-neutral investment options are also available.
  • Take advantage of interesting tax benefits - thanks to unit-linked savings in the 3rd pillar.
  • Realize return opportunities and choose from various investment plans.

Save today, fulfill your dreams tomorrow

"Take care of today and tomorrow will look after itself": Yann Sommer is the goalkeeper for the men's national team and knows why a 3a retirement fund is worthwhile right from the start of a career.

Set the course for your future now and save on tax at the same time.

Unit-linked life insurance with a convincing investment offer

By making regular deposits, you can build up your contract's cash value. A selection of investment plans and investment funds with an equity component of 0% to 100% offers the potential for additional returns.

Fluctuating market conditions

The amount paid out to you at contract maturity will vary depending on how the market performs.

Death benefit (optional)*

In the event of the insured person’s death, the beneficiaries receive a lump-sum payout. This can afford financial security for your partners, for example, who enjoy less favorable state benefits than a spouse does. Families can avoid being plunged into financial problems by a stroke of fate, such as not being forced to move out due to mortgage payments, for example.

Information and frequently asked questions about the Unit-linked Life Insurance

Good to know

  • Your choice of restricted (pillar 3a) or unrestricted pension provisions (pillar 3b) defines the term, maximum premiums and designated beneficiary for your unit-linked life insurance
  • Both types of retirement savings help you save tax
  • Flexible choice of lump-sum death benefit
  • Pillar 3a: you can interrupt your premium payments for a maximum of three years

Flexibility in every phase of life

  • With this unit-linked life insurance, you can adjust the risk cover every three years, or in the event of special circumstances such as marriage or purchasing property, without having to undergo another health check
  • You can temporarily stop premium payments for pillar 3a
  • Funds-based savings can also provide insurance in the event of disability
  • Capital can be withdrawn in the form of payments, transfers to a bank account with preferential interest, or transfers of fund units to a private investment account
  • If you take a career break or become unemployed, you can change your 3a insurance to a 3b insurance

Convincing investment concept

  • Choice of various investment plans with equity exposure from 0% to 100%.
  • You choose from an investment universe where all major asset classes are available.

What is unit-linked life insurance?

With unit-linked life insurance, you invest in investments. At the end of the term, the amount paid out corresponds to the performance of your investment. You use an investment profile to determine your risk tolerance and risk capacity.

When is a unit-linked life insurance policy paid out?

A unit-linked life insurance policy pays out at the end of the policy term, at the current value of your fund investments. If the insurance is terminated prematurely, the surrender value of your fund investments will be paid out to you at the time of termination.

What are the advantages of unit-linked life insurance?

You participate in the performance of the economy and have higher earnings opportunities with a longer-term investment horizon. In the event of disability, Zurich pays the premiums for you so that you can still achieve your long-term savings goals.

How are unit-linked life insurance policies taxed?

With a 3a policy, you can deduct the premiums from your income year after year in your tax return, and thus reduce your tax burden noticeably. In return, you pay tax on the amount paid out. With a 3b solution, the payout is tax-free provided the contract period is at least 10 years.

How flexible is CapitalFund during the contract period?

CapitalFund is very flexible:

  • After three (pillar 3a) or five (pillar 3b) years, you can take a premium break - with full insurance coverage.
  • You benefit from a coverage extension guarantee and can increase your premium at various times without a new health check: in the event of marriage, birth of a child, purchase of a home or every 3 years.
  • If you become unemployed or no longer work, you can switch from pillar 3a to pillar 3b - at no additional cost.
  • With a 3a policy, you have the option of making an additional payment once a year. This is interesting, among other things, for self-employed people without a pension fund who only know how high their income is at the end of the year.

You can extend the term of your 3a insurance until the regular OASI age - and even up to five years beyond. Requirement: You must provide evidence of earnings from employment.

Further products and services

Men from several generations plant a tree together.

Term life insurance

If you have special responsibilities, for example in your family or as an entrepreneur, you should provide financial security in the event of death.

father and daughter

In­su­ran­ce for chil­dren «Zurich Junior»

For the save future of your child.

No short falls given loss of income

Maintain your standard of living even after an illness or accident. Protect your income in the event that you become disabled. Zurich EmploymentRisk is just the right solution for this. 

happy elderly couple

Life insurance explained succinctly

What is life insurance and when is it worthwhile? Questions, products and services on the subject.

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